• Jul 23 2015Clickflame

    Preventing Insider Fraud: Why Corporate Surveillance is Important for Small Businesses (Part 2)

    In our last blog we began discussing the importance of corporate surveillance. Today we will continue that discussion with a closer look at the types of insider fraud that may occur in a small business and how hiring a private investigator for corporate surveillance can help. If you remember, we left off discussing the many forms that insider fraud can take such as fraudulent workers compensation claims and accounting fraud…

    The kind of ins675803-hand-1393305872-445-640x480ider fraud that tends to hit small businesses the most is actually harder to track than cyber-infiltration. Where cybercrime will sometimes leave a mark that it doesn’t take the best private detective in New York to see—changed passwords, notifications of someone trying to hack into your email or website from half a world away, mysterious withdrawals from a company’s accounts, and so on—it can be incredibly difficult to tell whether or not someone inside your business is committing fraud. Why? They have an insider’s knowledge of exactly how your business works, so they know better than anyone how to get away with it.

    And, in the case of benefits fraud, it‘s almost impossible to prove that someone is not disabled without the aid of a private investigator. If you own a business in New York for example, it takes a private detective—NYC-savvy and able to move on foot—to track down and record evidence of the individual behaving in a way that proves he or she is no longer disabled.

    By hiring the best private detective, New York business owners can not only stop insider fraud that is already happening, they can also work together to come up with a corporate surveillance plan that will prevent fraud from happening in the future. When they hire a private detective, New York business owners take out an insurance policy, ensuring that their fledgling firms are not destroyed by insider fraud before they truly have a chance to grow.